
We’re delighted that you’re visiting our website. You’ve entered a space dedicated to the people we care most about – youth!

At Alliance for Healthy Youth, we believe in youth. We believe what they tell us about themselves and the issues that matter to them. We believe in their unique perspective on life.

We’ve learned that they are caring, creative, fun, energetic, and challenging and that they are in process.

They have a voice that is vital for us all to hear:

They care about their own mental health and that of their friends and families;

Care about avoiding drug use and addiction;

Care about ending violence in their communities;

Care about getting help for some of their peers who struggle with suicidal thoughts;

Care about the health of half of the fifteen to twenty-four-year-olds who have a sexually transmitted infection.

To help the process of positive character formation and decision-making in youth, we listen. Yes, listen to what is said by the middle school students participating in RSVP (“tell us more about anxiety and depression”).

Listen to high school students in the C.A.T.S. program who are struggling because a family member has died from drug addiction.

Listen to students volunteering in C.A.T.C.H. who want to use their active-listening skills to help their peers seek help from trusted adults.

Are you listening?

CharacterVideo.org videos address bullying, cyberbullying, suicide prevention, drug and alcohol awareness, resilience, dropout prevention, good decision-making, and more SEL education issues.

Click here to learn more.